Some educators find STEAM and Entrepreneurship challenging to teach.

The ESTE® Self-Assessment helps Educators to identify their innate ESTE traits which make them effective in the classroom.

Empower Educators & Inspire Students

Teacher in front of class calling on student

The abundance of information and tools available to educators can be overwhelming, making it difficult to identify solutions that support students' natural skills and traits.

As a result, helping students find their passions can get lost in the day-to-day requirements of educating a diverse collection of students. Immediate metrics are met but at a potential long-term cost.

Students who feel connected to their educators, inspired by the topics, and passionate about subjects may be better prepared for extracurricular engagement, college, and future careers.

The ESTE Self-Assessment was designed to solve some of the STEAM attrition that educators see as students progress in their education, by understanding the student at a fundamental level. Attrition in STEAM is especially high in girls who may be inadvertently subjected to gender bias or don’t see themselves reflected in their fields of interest. Educators who are empowered with the knowledge of their own Creative Thinking and Creative Feeling Modes can begin to bridge the gap for their students and inspire them to stick with STEAM as they grow into adults.

“If you give children opportunities to nurture what they love, they will thrive.”

Jose Duenas- Balboa Middle School Teacher, Retired 2024 | Association Student Body Director, Electives Department Chair I California Association of Directors of Activities 2021 Jack Moore Award Recipient.

One Quick Assessment, Hundreds of Applications

Your Experience with ESTE begins with the ESTE Self-Assessment, completed online and takes about 20 minutes.

Your results will show your personalized Avatar, combining your preferred Creative Thinking and Creative Feeling Modes. The four Creative Thinking Modes are Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, and Engineering, which relate to task process and outcome. The 20 Creative Feeling Modes identify how you communicate and work with others in a way that motivates you and the recipient.

Your results will be compiled in a report that breaks down what your Avatar means to you and how to work most effectively with others, such as peers, advisors, and students. By understanding what makes a person tick, we can support their personal development and inspire by creating a safe space for growth.

Tools for the Educator Toolkit

Increased opportunities to practice self-efficacy in your own STEAM abilities and acquire new elements to effectively teach these subjects to students.

Renewed creative inspiration and confidence to flourish within your identified Creative Thinking Mode.

Expanded communication tools to engage with other educators, administrators, and students using interactive approaches inherent in the ESTE framework.

Provide role-model resources with diverse and relatable models in STEAM fields so students can see their reflections and model STEAM identities.

General FAQ

  • The ESTE Self-Assessment is $20.

  • You will receive the ESTE Self-Assessment, Professional Affirmation Roadmap for your Avatar, and Personalized Resource Guide

  • After you’ve made your purchase, you can access the ESTE Self-Assessment at your convenience. When you’re ready, follow the link in your email. The self-assessment will take approximately 15-20 minutes.

    Immediately following your assessment, you will learn about your Avatar. Within one business day, you will receive an email with your personalized Professional Affirmation Roadmap and Resource Guide.

  • The ESTE Framework is the idea that each person has natural tendencies toward the application of Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, and Engineering.

    The Framework relates each of these four Creative Thinking Modes by breaking down their preferences toward process and outcome.

    For example, an Entrepreneur enjoys exploring to find solutions for others. The end product for the Entrepreneur is Innovation.

  • We love to connect with the ESTE Leverage community! If at any time you have a question or simply want to chat, feel free to contact us!

  • ESTE Leverage offers both in-person and virtual meetings to discuss assessment results. This flexibility ensures that you can choose the format that best suits your needs and geographic limitations.

    For information and scheduling, please contact us!

Educator FAQ

  • Acknowledging and developing an understanding of the Creative Thinking and Feeling Modes of yourself and others can improve communication and collaborative efforts. This awareness grows into skills that foster empathy and team member appreciation by highlighting diverse strengths and approaches within a group.

  • Educators and Administrators gain invaluable personal insight that enables them to access their internal motivators and processes and then apply them to daily interactions and projects.

    In a practical setting, this looks like an administrator who is able to work efficiently with their team by tapping into each person’s natural strengths.

    As an educator, learning about your personal Avatar may equate to understanding, connecting, and inspiring students who previously struggled with a subject.

  • No, the assessment itself does not directly count as Continuing Education units required by professional boards. However, related workshops or courses offered by ESTE Leverage that use the assessment as a foundation might qualify, depending on the accrediting organization.

  • Yes, ESTE Leverage has a Youth Affirmation Roadmap Self-Assessment that is available for middle-school students.

    The Youth Self-Assessments are designed to help educators and students boost team communication and inspire an early love of STEAM concepts through an introductory understanding of Creative Thinking and Feeling Modes. Educators are able to enroll their classrooms through an agreement between ESTE Leverage and the school.

Contact Us!

We love hearing from our growing ESTE community. If you have questions or would like to learn more about ESTE Leverage, please contact us. We look forward to connecting with you!